Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Importance of Writing Letters

Everyone says write letters. You can receive them and eventually we would get some in return. Letters will be your only connection to the world outside and to us.

So I have started writing. I got two boxes of envelopes ~ plain white because anything else may bring you unwarranted attention. I got 2 rolls of stamps and lots of paper. I could type them, but then that would be cold I think.

Every morning I write. I write about the weather, the local news, what your sisters and brother are doing. I write about the holidays, but that makes me sad. The realization that you will be missing from our holiday table, and I know it is the first time of many to come.

There are so many silly things to remember about sending letters or packages. The address has to be just right or it will be undeliverable. Plain white envelopes ~ NO stickers, colors, perfume, musical cards, pornography (hmmmm like that is going to happen!)or weapons. No food, candy ~ you get the drift. I am so afraid of making a mistake and having you singled out at mail call and ridiculed for some offense your uneducated civilian mother may have made.

So I feel like a teacher giving instructions to her class when I hand out your address to people. It comes with a complete set of instructions for writing a freaking letter. It also comes with the threat of my wrath if anyone tries to be funny and goes against the rules.

And I write. I write every day ~ never missing one. And I am beginning to understand why you were starting to feel stifled and bored in this small town we call home.

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