Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My New Circle of Friends

I have been talking a bit less of you to everyone on the street because I have a new place to channel all the craziness. I have hooked up to MarineParents and Yuku. The sites have specific forums where you can meet others in the same companies and platoons. There is so much information and now I spend too many hours there!

Here are other moms ~ and a few dads thrown in to keep us in line ~ that are going through the same thing. We understand each other. It is okay to post here that you are having a crummy day. As if by magic, suddenly there are people there rooting you on and giving cyber {{{HUGS}}} to help get you over the hump. This must be what it is like for you Recruits. When one of you stumbles, there is someone there beside you to get you back on your feet.

It started of with screen names like andrewsaunt, lcmnsmom, ua2usmc, lanced333, thecelticone, ganna, and giggyems, and if I have missed anyone, my apologies.

Laurie has kept us laughing with her antics. Angela has felt like a little sister to me, someone I need to protect and watch out for, Mari is right there with Laurie slinging one liners and keeping us on our toes. I picture Sandy and Harlan reading the forums and laughing while they shake their heads. And then there is Randi. She is our guiding light. Has been down this road already and has come back to help us find our way. She has so much knowledge and points us to areas of information that we would not otherwise even know existed.

We come from cities and small towns. From the Northeast, Mid Atlantic, South and Midwest. We are teachers, farmers, secretaries and laborers. We may never have had anything in common. Our sons brought us together and we are now an extended family. I have shared more at times on the forums than I have with my family. They understand that behind every laugh, quick wit, and boastful pride there is some hidden fear and confusion.

They understand me and I understand them. And whatever comes down the road and however our paths may separate, I will take a part of their friendship with me.